

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 161
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 8450

revolution begins

rise of the tyrant albümüde bulunan gaz bi arch enemy parcası.

since the day that you were born
the wheels are in motion
turning ever faster
play your part in the big machine
the stage is set, the road is chosen
you fate preordained
we are watching you
every step of the way

never to late to stand your ground
revolution begins
ın you - ın me - revolution!

once lost
lost in their game
mental chains breaking now
set yourself free
who are they to tell you what to do?
the stage is not set, the road is not chosen
your fate not preordained
they are losing control
every step of your way

this is revolution!
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neden bekliyorsun?

bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?

üye ol