(bkz: winona ryder)
turkcellin hangi akla hizmet cikardigini anlamakta gucluk cektigim bilgilendirme servisi.sarkiyi 25 saniye dinlet,sarkinin adi cebine gelsin de,eeee....
(bkz: ne bu calan)
ben anelkayim,istedigim her takimda oynarim demisti zamaninda..
ulkemize gelen ilk sarisin jenerasyonun genelde yakin diyar rusyadan,calismak(!) ya da eglenmek maksadiyla gelmis olmasi ve kafamizdaki sarisin profilinin bu cercevede saglamlasmasi sonucunda olusan durum..
(bkz: fc barcelona)
igrenc bir oyuncu igrenc bi kisilik.tez zamanda olmeli diyecegim ama agir kacacak...
dun tv de denk geldigim reality bitesdaki guzelligi ve masumiyetinin yaninda hic cekinmeden sergiledigi bayagi taraflariyla beni bir daha etkilemis aktris..
hos,tatli manasina gelen ing. kelime..
askeri harcamalari nerdeyse 0 olan ulke..
conversion, software version 7.0,
looking at life through the eyes of a tire hub,
eating seeds as a past time activity,
the toxicity of our city, of our city,
new, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder,
now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
sacred silence and sleep,
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
disorder, disorder, disorder.
more wood for their fires, loud neighbors,
flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck,
eating seeds as a past time activity,
the toxicity of our city, of our city,
new, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder,
now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
sacred silence and sleep,
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
disorder, disorder, disorder.
new, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder,
now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
sacred silence and sleep,
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
disorder, disorder, disorder.
when i became the sun,
i shone life into the mans hearts,
when i became the sun,
i shone life into the mans hearts
looking at life through the eyes of a tire hub,
eating seeds as a past time activity,
the toxicity of our city, of our city,
new, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder,
now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
sacred silence and sleep,
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
disorder, disorder, disorder.
more wood for their fires, loud neighbors,
flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck,
eating seeds as a past time activity,
the toxicity of our city, of our city,
new, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder,
now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
sacred silence and sleep,
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
disorder, disorder, disorder.
new, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder,
now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
sacred silence and sleep,
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
disorder, disorder, disorder.
when i became the sun,
i shone life into the mans hearts,
when i became the sun,
i shone life into the mans hearts
soadin kanimca su ana kadar yaptigi en iyi en manali sarki.ayrica bu sarkinin bulundugu albumunde ismi...
(bkz: sıkıntı)
1 ytlsini goruntu itibariyle hic begenmedigim para birimi...
universitede donem sonu yada yil sonu sinavlarinin oldugu hafta.
siktir gitin olmamis versiyonu...
arastirma gelistirme hizmetleri.
(bkz: bahane)
nufusu milyari gecmis,televizyondan gordugumuz kadariyla otobuslere insan gibi binmeyi bilmeyen ya da nufus nedeniyle istese de binemeyen ayrica sasilacak sekilde yazilim konusunda dunya piyasasi uzerinde onemli bir guce sahip ulke...
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?