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tmsf’nin tekrar yayına hazırlamakta olduğu kanal. şu an buket tv adıyla test yayını yapan teleon, bir kaç ay içinde şifresiz olarak yayına açılacakmış.

hatta haberin tamamı şurada:

another stranger me

ayrıca albümle aynı isimli blind guardian şarkısı. sözler:

a seed of doubt
it exists
and it grows
a glimpse of life
from somewhere deep within
awake and understand

is there anyone else here?
somebody’s screaming
please help me
let’s find out now
that i am not dreaming
welcome to my damnation
here it comes the real me

i didn’t know
i couldn’t hear the answer
my mind was blank
i should have known
i hold it back but somehow
there is someone else
another stranger me
another stranger me

when the ice
will break away

i can’t get out of here
cause none of my keys
fit the door
there’s fear and anger
hate and love
i must confess
it’s out of hand

it’s physic
it’s cynic
still cynic
all my laughter

it’s cynic
just manic
it’s cynic
all her laughter

if there’s anyone in
it soon will be over
we’ll burn out
our soul’s aflamed
and we’re on our own now
give up you cruel invasion
you’re insane i’ll show you

i didn’t know
i couldn’t hear the answer
my mind was blank
i should have known
i hold it back but somehow
there is someone else
another stranger me

out and gone
can’t resist
cold and sore
the bolt of pain
keeps ripping through my head
i can take no more

don’t tell anyone else but i
do not believe her
she hates me
i cloud my mind
she’s a deceiver
i can feel cruel vibrations
would you like to meet me

i didn’t know
i couldn’t hear the answer
my mind was blank
i should have known
i hold it back but somehow
there is someone else
another stranger me
another stranger me

eyes of the insane

christ illusion albümünde bulunan slayer parçası. sözleri de şöyle:

a soldier’s heart
reflecting back at me
i keep seeing mutilated faces
even in my dreams
distorted images
flashing rapidly
psychotically abusing me
devouring my brain

the eyes of the insane
on a demented campaign

tortured spirits
will not let me rest
these thoughts of mutilated faces
completely posessed
fragmented images
flashing rapidly
psychotically abusing me
whirling through my head

battle mortise
overwhelming anxiety
panic attacks
death raising it’s ugly face at me!

got to make it stop
can’t take it any more
they’re all dead
keep haunting me
they just keep coming back for more!

the eyes of the insane
on a demented campaign
panic attacks
death raising it’s ugly face at me!

got to make it stop
can’t take it any more!
death’s face keeps haunting me
and just keeps coming back for more!

got to make it stop
can’t take it any more!
death’s face keeps haunting me
and just keeps coming back for more!

a soldier
of misfortune
i owe my pain and suffering
to this hell
these demons
ripping through my soul
evil’s relentless hostility
won’t let me sleep

battle mortise
devastating insanity
panic attacks
death’s rotting
he’s coming for me!

kiss of death

2006 çıkışlı son motörhead albümü. tracklist’i şu şekilde:

01. sucker
02. one night stand
03. devil i know
04. trigger
05. under the gun
06. god was never on your side
07. living in the past
08. christine
09. sword of glory
10. be my baby
11. kingdom of the worm
12. going down
13. r.a.m.o.n.e.s.
26 /

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