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gamze özçelik

diyelimki o goruntuler gercek. ole gibide gozukuyor ama bizi(turk halki) delen ne ben onu anlamadim yani bu goruntuler niye bu kadar etkiliyor bizi ben bunu anlamadim. komsumuzun kizinin basina gelse bu olaylar bu kadar ustunde dururmuyduk acaba. yoksa hepimiz birer gamze ozcelik fetisimiyiz. yoksa hepimiz birer televole kusagimi olduk farkinda olmadan. yoksa o adam yerinemi gecmek istedik. kadin sevismis adamda cekip yayinlamis bu kadar basit bir olay niye hala raytinglerini koruyor. yoksa gamze ozcelik hepimizin bacisiydi da haberimiz mi yoktu. o zaman o adami cukunden asalim gamzede kurtulsun necip turk milletide.

down where i am

hatta sadece tukce bilenler icin;
down where i am

isn’t it great to see how life begins
hayatin nasil basladigini gormek muhtesem degil mi
things may change, let the joy begin
hayat degisir, neseyi baslatir
can you hear this new life crying
duyuyor musun yeni yasam agliyor
breed it out, it will be worth it
dogur onu, buna degecek
show me your newborn smile
gorter bana senin yeni dogum gulusunu

(please tell me why)
soyle bana niye
i don’t wanna hold you
sana sahip olmak istemiyorum
(please tell me why)
soyle bana niye
i don’t wanna see you
seni gormek istemiyorum
’cause even your smile hurts
cunku senin gulusun bile acitiyor
oh it hurts like hell
oh cehennem gibi acitiyor

isn’t it good to see how life begins
hayatin nasil basladigini gormek guzel degil mi
there’s no sin and there’s no crime
orda gunah ve suc yok
down where i am there’s no bitter end at all
asagi neredeyim orda aci yok hepsinin sonunda
this bitterness is endless, keeps going on and on
bu acisizlik sonsuz, boyle devam eder

i don’t wanna hold you
sana sahip olmak istemiyorum
i don’t wanna see you
seni gormek istemiyorum
even birth can bear disgrace
hatta dogum buyuk bir kucuk dususe neden olabilir
i don’t wanna hold you
sana sahip olmak istemiyorum
i don’t wanna see you
seni gormek istemiyorum
or even the smile upon your face
ya da yuzune karsi gulumsemek bile

i fear my heart and fear my soul
kalbimden korkuyorum ve ruhumdan korukuyorum
and all the things that are unknown
ve bilinmeyen tum seyler
there’s a chance things will turn wrong, my friend
bie sans var hayat yanlisa donebilir, dostum
far too fast i’m losing ground
cok hizli kaybediyorum yeryuzunu
well, let’s face it here and now
hadi yuzleselim burda ve simdi
you’re not wellcome you should know
hosgelmedin bilmelisin

i fear my heart and fear my soul
kalbimden korkuyorum ve ruhumdan korukuyorum
life goes on it surely will
hayat devam ediyor ve kesinlikle edecek
without me it will wither
bensiz kuruyacak
will i ever see light again
isigi bir daha hic gorebilecek miyiz
will i ever see light again
isigi bir daha hic gorebilecek miyiz
oh life goes on
oh yasam devam ediyor

i don’t wanna hold you
sana sahip olmak istemiyorum
i don’t wanna see you
seni gormek istemiyorum
my tear of joy turned into grief
benim sevinc gozyaslarim aciya donuyor
(i don’t wanna stand it anymore)
daha fazla kalmak istemiyorum

down where i am that’s where darkness rules
asagida neredeyim burasi karanligin kurallarinin oldugu yer
the silence shall be only friend
sessizlik tek dostun olmali

down where i am

ahanda sarki sozleri;

isn’t it great to see how life begins
things may change, let the joy begin
can you hear this new life crying
breed it out, it will be worth it
show me your newborn smile

(please tell me why)
i don’t wanna hold you
(please tell me why)
i don’t wanna see you
’cause even your smile hurts
oh it hurts like hell

isn’t it good to see how life begins
there’s no sin and there’s no crime
down where i am there’s no bitter end at all
this bitterness is endless, keeps going on and on

i don’t wanna hold you
i don’t wanna see you
even birth can bear disgrace
i don’t wanna hold you
i don’t wanna see you
or even the smile upon your face

i fear my heart and fear my soul
and all the things that are unknown
there’s a chance things will turn wrong, my friend
far too fast i’m losing ground
well, let’s face it here and now
you’re not wellcome you should know

i fear my heart and fear my soul
life goes on it surely will

without me it will wither
will i ever see light again
will i ever see light again
oh life goes on
i don’t wanna hold you
i don’t wanna see you
my tear of joy turned into grief
(i don’t wanna stand it anymore)

down where i am that’s where darkness rules
the silence shall be only friend
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