sulu sutyen
delikli sabun
31 cekerken kramp girmesi
yalnizligin anlasildigi anlar
eger uzun sure deniz hiyarini oksarsaniz,kendini savunmak amacıyla, bir ucundan beyaz, yapıskan ve akiskan bir sivi salgilar. bu olayi denizin altinda, bacaklarınızın arasına koyarak denerseniz, denizin altinda ufak bir izleyici kitlesi olusturdugunu goreceksiniz.
fransız asilli, asiri romantik bir kokarca... bir sekilde sirtina boya surulen masum disi bir kedinin bas belasi. cizgi film karakteri
fenerbahcenin eski amigosu.
ayrica nintendo da mario amca bolum sonunun bir tanesinde, agzi ve burnu kirmizi, ucgen bir bezle kapali ve surekli zafer isareti yapan bir elemanla karsilasmaktadir. kisa bir sure fittiri fittiri seklinde konusmaktadirlar. sanirim mario amcanin istihbarat toplamasi icin goreevlendirdigi bşr elemandir kendisi.
(bkz: kaptan magara adami)
(bkz: dutluk)
genelde kamyonlarin veya buyuk hacimli motorlara sahip araclarin onunde yazar. turboya baglanmis icten sogutma sistemine sahip motoru vardir manasina gelir, kelime obegidir.
(bkz: turbo inter cooler)
el sürülmemesi gereken bir baliktir. ege ve akdenizde oltaniza gelebilme ihtimali yuksek olmakla beraber kendine dokunulmamasi gerektigini anlatan bir cok ikaz isareti vardi ki yine de elleyen ve hastanelere dusenlerin sayisi az degildir.
maharetli ellerde 2-3-4 halkali zincir sekline donusturulebilir.
annemin tabiriyle tullerin toptan yikanmasi gereken ay. mayis ayi.
memeleri anma, sahipsiz memeleri sevindirme gunudur.
"madem tanimlayamiyorsun, uzayli oldugunu nerden biliyosun gerizekali" demek istiyorum bu cevirinin orjinalini cikaran sahsiyetsiz zihniyetlere
sozleride soyledir. gitar riffleriyle birlesince hucum marsi kivamindadir.
the warming sun returns again
and melts away the snow
the sea is freed from icy chains
winter is letting go
standing on the ocean side
we can hear the waves
calling us out with tide
to sail into our fate
oden! guide our ships
our axes, spears and swords
guide us through storms that whip
and in brutal war
our ships await us by the shore
time has come to leave
our country, family and homes
for riches in the east
some of us wont return
but that wont bring us down
our fate is written in the web
woven by the norns
a ram is sacrificed
across the longships bow
and as we set our sails
a strong breeze starts to blow
it carries us out to sea
with hope of fame and pride
and glorious all will be
that with sword in hand will die
oden! guide our ships
our axes, spears and swords
guide us through storms that whip
and in brutal war
oden! guide our ships
our axes, spears and swords
guide us through storms that whip
and in brutal war
the warming sun returns again
and melts away the snow
the sea is freed from icy chains
winter is letting go
standing on the ocean side
we can hear the waves
calling us out with tide
to sail into our fate
oden! guide our ships
our axes, spears and swords
guide us through storms that whip
and in brutal war
our ships await us by the shore
time has come to leave
our country, family and homes
for riches in the east
some of us wont return
but that wont bring us down
our fate is written in the web
woven by the norns
a ram is sacrificed
across the longships bow
and as we set our sails
a strong breeze starts to blow
it carries us out to sea
with hope of fame and pride
and glorious all will be
that with sword in hand will die
oden! guide our ships
our axes, spears and swords
guide us through storms that whip
and in brutal war
oden! guide our ships
our axes, spears and swords
guide us through storms that whip
and in brutal war
amon amarthin cok gaz sarkisidir. hatta cogu kisi icin en guzel sarkisidir.
(bkz: pursuit of vikings)
kizilotesi teknolojisi.. ayrica ufo marka isiticininda sloganidir.
(bkz: infrared teknoloji)
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