bilgisayariniza girip gereksiz yere bilgisayarinizin bandlarini i$gal eden bir tur casus once tarattim ve bilgisayarimda 307 adet buldum..15 dk lik lag surem bu spy lari temizleyince 0 saniyeye indi..spy temizlemek icin indireceginiz program adresi.
indirin temizleyin makinenizi mutlu olun..
1881 yilinda selanik te dogmu$ 10 kasim 1938 tarihinde saat 09;05 de istanbul da dolma bahce sarayinda hayata gozlerini kapamistir..dunyanin gelmi$ gecmi$ en buyk askeri dehasi olarak bilinmektedir..times dergisinin yapmi$ oldugu oylamalarda ust uste senelerde asrin adami secilmi$tir..tukiye cumhuryetinin kurucusu ve $u anda ya$adigimiz ozgurlugun mimaridir..hakkinda binlerce kitap yazilmi$tir..vefatina du$man ulkeleri yoneticileri dahi uzulmu$tur..bunu ogrenmek icin biraz dergi kari$tirmak kafidir..
icine du$tunuz mu artik donu$u yoktur..her$eyi olursa olsun her$eye razisinizdir..her$eye..ama her$eye..akliniza yemek yemek su icmek gelmez..akliniza ya$amak nefes almak bile gelmez..akliniza, akliniz oldugu du$unme kabliyetine sahip oldugunuz dahi gelmez..akliniza olmek bile gelmez..
bir faith hill $arkisi..sozlerini de yazayim tam olsun..
when i think back
on these times
and the dreams
we left behind
ill be glad cause
i was blessed to get
to have you in my life
when i look back
on these days
ill look and see your face
you were right there for me
in my dreams
ill always see your soar
above the sky
in my heart
there always be a place
for you for all my life
ill keep a part
of you with me
and everywhere i am
there youll be
well you showed me
how it feels
to feel the sky
within my reach
and i always
will remember all
the strength you
gave to me
your love made me
make it through
oh, i owe so much to you
you were right there for me
[repeat chorus]
cause i always saw in you
my light, my strength
and i want to thank you
now for all the ways
you were right there for me
you were right there for me
for always
when i think back
on these times
and the dreams
we left behind
ill be glad cause
i was blessed to get
to have you in my life
when i look back
on these days
ill look and see your face
you were right there for me
in my dreams
ill always see your soar
above the sky
in my heart
there always be a place
for you for all my life
ill keep a part
of you with me
and everywhere i am
there youll be
well you showed me
how it feels
to feel the sky
within my reach
and i always
will remember all
the strength you
gave to me
your love made me
make it through
oh, i owe so much to you
you were right there for me
[repeat chorus]
cause i always saw in you
my light, my strength
and i want to thank you
now for all the ways
you were right there for me
you were right there for me
for always
serin havalarda u$umeyi engellemek icin uzerimize orttugumuz yunlu ortuler.
cok soguk havalarda yatarken ki$ilerin uzerilerine orttukleri kalin ve genelde pamuk ve benzeri $eylerden yapilmi$ ortu.
(bkz: download)
makinenizde bulunan bir dosyanin ba$kalari tarafindan gorulmesi veya indirilmesi icin internete yuklemenin teknik terimi.
(bkz: upload)
internet uzerinde aradiginiz herhangi bir dosyayi bulup makinenize indirmenizin teknik terimi.
(bkz: kazaa)
(bkz: ares)
bir payla$im programi..uyesi olanlarin bilgisayarinda bulunan audio, video, jpg turu dosyalari kendilerinin izni dogrultusunda makinenize aktarabilirsiniz..virus ve spy yuvasidir ayni zamanda.
sicak iciniz.
(bkz: msn messenger 7)
msn messenger 7 nin beta surumu ile alakali gorsel zenginligi a$agidaki adresten gorebilirsiniz..
$u anda beta surumu internette dola$makta..ho$ bir $ey olmu$..kar$i tarafa opucuk gonderdiginizde konu$tugunuz ki$inin makinesinden firlayip dudagina yapi$acakmi$ gibi buyuk bir $ey cikiyormu$ ortaya..
acikcasi manasini tam kavrayamadigim yahut aslinda kavradigim fakat buraya yazmaya cekindigim bir brithney spears $arkisi..i$te size sozleri..mesud olun bahtiyar olun..
i used to think i had the answers to everything
but now i know
that life doesnt always go my way
feels like im caught in the middle
thats when i realize
im not a girl, not yet a woman
all i need is time, a moment that is mine
while im in between
im not a girl
there is no need to protect me
its time that i
learn to face up to this on my own
ive seen so much more than you know now
so dont tell me to shut my eyes
but if you look at me closely
you will see it in my eyes
this girl will always find her way
(im not a girl) im not a girl, dont tell me what to believe
(not yet a woman) im just trying to find the woman in me, yeah
(all i need is time) oh, all i need is time
(a moment that is mine) thats mine
while im in between
im not a girl, not yet a woman, no no
all i need is time, a moment that is mine
while im in between
im not a girl, ooh
not yet a woman..
i used to think i had the answers to everything
but now i know
that life doesnt always go my way
feels like im caught in the middle
thats when i realize
im not a girl, not yet a woman
all i need is time, a moment that is mine
while im in between
im not a girl
there is no need to protect me
its time that i
learn to face up to this on my own
ive seen so much more than you know now
so dont tell me to shut my eyes
but if you look at me closely
you will see it in my eyes
this girl will always find her way
(im not a girl) im not a girl, dont tell me what to believe
(not yet a woman) im just trying to find the woman in me, yeah
(all i need is time) oh, all i need is time
(a moment that is mine) thats mine
while im in between
im not a girl, not yet a woman, no no
all i need is time, a moment that is mine
while im in between
im not a girl, ooh
not yet a woman..
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?