  1. toplam entry 6645
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 118051


kagit oyununda "kiz".

erkek olanlarina vale denir, hayatta ise kavalye olurlar. ben hic gormedim valesiz girilmez yahut kavalyesi olmayani almam diyen bir yer. ama gene de zaman zaman lazim olurlar bu valeler ve kavalyeler. vale mesela pisti oynarken yerdekileri siler supurur. kavalye silmez ve supurmez ama baska seyler yapar, soylenmez.

orgazm sigarası

orgazmdan sonra icildigi adindan anlasilan sigara.
daha zevkli oluyor sanirim, sigaranin tadi bir baska guzel oluyor.
son bir sigara icelim de soylenirse yatakta olan muhabbetin yatakta kalacagi ordan itibaren yollarin ayrilacagi anlasilir. elinde sigara olan birine bunu soylemek tehlikeli olabilir, belki de o ayrilmayi falan dusunmuyordur, bedende kalici hasara yol acmamak lazim. hem sarkiya hem sigaraya dikkat etmek lazim.

have a cigar

come in here, dear boy, have a cigar.
you’re gonna go far, fly high,
you’re never gonna die,
you’re gonna make it if you try;
they’re gonna love you.
well i’ve always had a deep respect,
and i mean that most sincerely.
the band is just fantastic,
that is really what i think.
oh by the way, which one’s pink?
and did we tell you the name of the game, boy,
we call it riding the gravy train.

we’re just knocked out.
we heard about the sell out.
you gotta get an album out.
you owe it to the people.
we’re so happy we can hardly count.
everybody else is just green,
have you seen the chart?
it’s a helluva start,
it could be made into a monster
if we all pull together as a team.
and did we tell you the name of the game, boy,
we call it riding the gravy train.

(bkz: pink floyd)

welcome to the machine

pink floyd sarkisi.

welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
where have you been?
it’s alright we know where you’ve been.
you’ve been in the pipeline, filling in time,
provided with toys and ’scouting for boys’.
you brought a guitar to punish your ma,
and you didn’t like school, and you
know you’re nobody’s fool,
so welcome to the machine.

welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
what did you dream?
it’s alright we told you what to dream.
you dreamed of a big star,
he played a mean gituar,
he always ate in the steak bar.
he loved to drive in his jaguar.
so welcome to the machine.

shine on you crazy diamond

bir baska harika pink floyd sarkisi.

remember when you were young,
you shone like the sun.
shine on you crazy diamond.
now there’s a look in your eyes,
like black holes in the sky.
shine on you crazy diamond.
you were caught on the crossfire
of childhood and stardom,
blown on the steel breeze.
come on you target for faraway laughter,
come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!

you reached for the secret too soon,
you cried for the moon.
shine on you crazy diamond.
threatened by shadows at night,
and exposed in the light.
shine on you crazy diamond.
well you wore out your welcome
with random precision,
rode on the steel breeze.
come on you raver, you seer of visions,
come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
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