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  1. toplam entry 8391
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 131361

şark kurnazları

prestij muzik bunyesindeki bir takim turkuculer icin kullanilan tanimdir.
bu turkuculer her roportajda her soruldugunu sabit bir hikayeyi anlatarak bunu hakketmi$lerdir.
hepsi anadolu’da ucra bir koyde 20 kusur cocuklu ailede dogmus,tezek yakmi$ cok aclik cok sefillik cekmi$tir.
okuyamamislar bu yuzden istanbul’a gelmi$lerdir.gelmi$ken plakcilar car$isinin onunden gecmi$ler ve o anda ve yureklerine turkucu olma sevdasindan ibaret bir ate$ du$mu$tur.bu ate$le yanan kurnaz, yilmami$ azmetmi$ kasedini doldurmu$ cok da cigerden okumu$ ve halkin sevgini kazanmi$tir.artik dakka ba$i muzik kanallarindadir, klibi donmektedir attigi adim olaydir.halkin sesidir,halkin icinden gelmi$tir onlari cok iyi anlamakta acilarini sevdalarini payla$maktadir.halkin sesi turkucu neden sonra koluna boynuna altin gerdanlari gecirir ciplere biner her aksam baska mankenle bar bar dola$makta,iyi de icmektedir.gittigi yerler muhabir kameraman dolmaktadir ama halkin sesi turkucu bu durumdan ho$lanmaz ve gazeteci dovmeye ba$lar.bunlada hizini alamaz,normalde yanina yaklasamayacagi kizi da tekme tokat dover.hakkidir cunku o yagiz bir anadolu delikanlisidir.doverde, severde, duzer de.
dizi ceken $ark kurnazi reyting rekorlari kirar. o kumali, konakli, alengirin cirit attigi dizilerde halkin sesi olmus sorunlarini dile getirmi$tir.
velhasil $ark kurnazi olmak zor i$tir vesselam.

bad religion

motorhead’in march or die albumunden bir parcanin adi.
sozleri ise

thou who wouldst make us devils
thou shalt not poison me
the world hath been
persuaded to believe thy heresy
i spit in the eye of satan
and i will spit in thine
the devils that surround thee
liveth only in thine eye
bad religion, bad religion
i need no gods or devils,
i need no pagan rights
bad religion, bad religion
i need no burning crosses to
illuminate my nights
hey, hey, you hear me now
you hear me now
hey, hey, for thou art judas
the mark of cain be on thy brow
evangelistic nazis, you cannot frighten me
the name you take in vain shall judge you for eternity
i spit in the eye of satan
spit right in your eye too
you are the spooks you’re chasing
you know not what you do
bad religion, bad religion
i know you lie, i know you lie
bad religion, bad religion
thieves and liars
cross my heart i hope you die
if there be such a being
then thou art anti-christ
turn men against their children
turn beauty into vice
i say thy god shall smite thee
he will perceive thy lust
his wrath shall fall upon thee
thou that betray his thrust
bad religion, bad religion
i say that thou art liars,
thy souls shall not be saved
bad religion, bad religion
here are the days of thunder,
the days that thou hast made
hey, hey
base seducers, i see thy greed
hey, hey
i am more fit for glory,
than any ten of thee

süperjoint ritual

2003 ciki$li albumu use once and destroy ve parca listesi $oyledir:

oblivious maximus
it takes no guts
everyone hates everyone
the introver
the alcoholik
f*ck your enemy
4 songs
all of our lives will get tried
drug your love
haunted hated
stupid man
creepy crawl
superjoint ritual
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