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  1. toplam entry 8391
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  3. puan 131363

semra özal

eski basbakan ve cumhurbaskanimizin saygi deger e$idir.kendisi aktif siyasetle i$tigal etmesede e$ine yardimci olmu$ ve fikir anneligi yapmi$ bir dusunurdur.ayrica kadin sorunlarina egilmi$ ve papatya birligini kurmu$ ulkeyi kari$ kari$ koy koy gezmi$tir.papatya birligi icraatlarindan bir tanesi de depremden sonra yerle bir olmu$ koylere gitmek ve cocuklara bonibon topitop gibi $ekerlemeler dagitmaktir.

crazy old soldier

enfes bir johnny cash parcayi dostu ray charles ile duet $eklinde okumu$lar ve parcaya lezzet katmi$lardir.

i’ve had fame and fortune
women come knock on my door
i’ve live to the limit maybe a little bit more
there are so many stories of how i got out of control
some say it’s a woman
some say it’s my trouble soul
i’m like a crazy old soldier
fightin’ a war on my own
just me and the whiskey
and the bottles are ten thousand strong
you’d think i’d give up
as many times as i’ve been hit
but like a crazy old soldier
i just don’t know when to quit
barrooms and bedrooms
are just faces and places and names
once for the pleasure
and lord knows once for the pain
i’ve tried to forget her
and all of the things that we’ve done
but as long as there are memories
i’ll never hang up my gun
i’m like a crazy old solider
fightin’ a war on my own
just me and the whiskey
and the bottles are ten thousand strong
you’d think i’d give up
as many times as i’ve been hit
but like crazy old solider
i just don’t know when to quit
like a crazy old solider
i just don’t know when to quit

manitaya çağrı bırakmak

manita ile gun icinde birkac kere konu$uldugu halde israr ve inatla defalarca caldirma kapatma hadisesi.
bu sayede sevgiliye ’ aklimdasin,cikmiyosun bile,cok ozledim seni’ mesaji verildigine dair soylentiler vardir.
kanimca gun icinde yapacak ureticek bi$ey bulamayan hobi yoksunu insanlarin hatlari mesgul etmesinden ba$ka bir$ey degildir.
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