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bilgi sözlük irc serveri

irc serverindan ziyade mesela sadece tav$anlarin katilimina izin verilcek forum daha faydali bence.forumdaki postlar elbetteki sozluk formatinda olmaz,gene ozel mesaj sistemi kullanilir ayrica kullanici kendi profilinde duzenlerse dogru bilgilerle irc server indan daha kullani$li olur.

adolf hitler

gosterilen ilginin sadece sozluk,forum sitelerinin ba$liklari ile sinirli kalmasini istedigim rezil ki$iliktir.
kitabi okuyarak $arki sozlerine ve filmlere aldanarak beyinsizler toplanarak adami kendilerine idol secmi$lerse durum cok daha vahimdir kanimca.

we are motorhead

, 2000 cikisli motorhead albumudur.
albumdeki parcalar

see me burning
slow dance
stay out of jail
god save the queen
out to lunch
wake the dead
one more fucking time
stagefright crash and burn
heart on your sleeve
we are motorhead

albumle ayni ismi ta$iyan parcanin sozleri ise

we shoot power to your heart, a mighty thunderbolt
we charge all batteries, we save your soul
we don’t know when we’re licked,
but we turn lead into gold
we know alchemy, we bring you rock and roll
we are the ones you love, or we’re the ones you hate
we are the first and we just still might be the last
we are motorhead - born to kick your ass
we bring the firestorm to brighten up your life
we mend all broken hearts, we cure all pain
we bring you attitude and razor teeth to bite
we bring machine gun law and we’re the ones to blame
we are the ones you need, the ones that you despise
we are the ones who wanna poke you in the eye
we are the future, baby, used to be the past
we are mot"rhead and we don’t have no class
we bring you ufos, saucers in the sky
we shoot you full of noise, we aim to kill
we burn like motherfuckers, spit right in your eye
we fight authority, we glorify free will
we are the ones you heard of, but you never heard
we are electric prophets, here to twist the world
we are the flame at night, the fire in the trash
we are motorhead, we are motorhead
we are motorhead, we are motorhead
we are motorhead, we are motorhead


sahibi olmak icin can attigim kopektir.kusursuz ve cok esnetik bir vucudu oldugunu dusunuyorum.
zannedilenin aksine beyni buyumez,kafatasi da dolayisi ile kucuk filan de yer sebze de yer vejeteryani bile vardir.yalniz tek bir sakincasi kucuk bir evde beslemeye calismak hayvana eziyet olabilir.

ramses bringer war

enfes bir nile parcasinin adidir.
sozleri ise

wretched fallen ones of khatti
raise against the oppressing sword
encircled abandoned alone
i smite the vile hittite foe
my father amon what carest thee
for the Vile and ignorant of god
my father amon what carest thee
for these effeminate ones
at millions of whom i groweth not pale
raging like menthu like baal in his hour
lo the mighty sekhmet is with me
i enter in among them even as a hawk striketh
i slay i hew to pieces and cast to the ground
the royal snake upon my brow
spits forth fire in the face of mine enemies
and burneth their limbs
my chariot wheels trample the fallen
cut to pieces before my steeds
and laying
in their own blood
i crush the skulls of the dying
and sever the hands of the slain
i ramses
builder of temples
usurper of monuments slayer of hittites
bringer of war


gosterileri cop goz yasartici sprey kullanarak tekme tokat dagitma yetkisine sahip turk polis birimidir ayni zamanda.
neden laik turkiye devleti kendi kolluk kuvvetine ingilizce tanim yapmi$tir bilen yok tabi.

hıncal uluç

gectigimiz gunlerde televizyon programinda acik menu gibi masada duran yiyeceklerle surekli i$tigal eden hem program yapan hem de agzinda lokma varken konu$an gorgusuz kulturlu spor yazari olarak tarihime gecmi$ ki$idir.
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