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graveyard classics

six feet under in tamamen cover parcalardan olu$an albumudur.
tarzi tamamen farkli olmasina ragmen mukemmel $ekilde yorumlanan parcalar daha sonra bize graveyard classics 2 yi kazandirdi.
graveyard classics de yer alan grup ve parcalar,
holocaust - savatage
tnt - acdc
sweet leaf - black sabbath
pirahna - exodus
son of a bitch - accept
steping stone - sex pistols
confused - angelwitch
california uber alles - dead kennedys
smoke on the water - deep purple
blackout - scorpions
purple haze - jimi hendrix
in league with satan - venom

graveyard classics 2

six feet under’in 2004 ciki$li cover albumu.
icindeki parcalar
back in black
givin the dog a bone
have a drink on me
hells bells
let me put my love into you
rock and roll aint noise pollution
shake a leg
shoot to thrill
what do you do for money honey
you shock me all night long

goruldugu uzere acdc parcalaridir her biri.
hayatimda ilk kez araba ile uzun yola cikmak ve tum yol boyunca dinlemek gibi bir hayal kurmama neden olan album olarak kisa tarihime gecmistir.

the wretched spawn

2004 ciki$li cannibal corpse albumudur.
albumdeki parcalar ise

severed head stoning
psychotic precision
decency defied
frantic disembowelment
the wretched spawn
cyanide assassin
festering in the crypt
nothing left to mutilate
blunt force castration
rotted body landslide
bent backwards and broken
they deserve to die

albumle ayny ismi tasyyan parcanyn sozleri

Concieved through rape
A vicious brood
Ravaging intercourse
Penetrate with corse
Forsaken, nude
Spawn of the wretched, born of the rape
Dawn of the murdering beasts of hate
Spawn of the wretched cunt defiled
Pawn of the darkness, blasphemous child
The wretched spawn, inheretly vile
Inherited traits
From birth an urge
No chance to change
Born deranged
Violence will emerge
Spawn of the wretched, born of the rape
Dawn of the murdering beasts of hate
Spawn of the wretched cunt defiled
Pawn of the darkness, blasphemous child
The wretched spawn, inheretly vile
Spawn of the wretched, bred from the damned
Gone are the instincts normal of man
Spawn of the wanton loins of the cruel
Spanwed by brute force used as a tool
The wretched spawn, violence will rule
Heredity dictates brutality
Groomed to carry the legacy
Genres of the butchers, a killing breed
Revel in making the helpless breed
Scion of the murders
A bloodline so profance
Born insane
Predestined to annihilate
Throught sinister eugenics
Sworn to kill, they will
It was made to kill
Massacre the innocents
A slaughter without meaning
Bleed, screaming
Only one remains untouched
Her fate is violation

live cannibalışm

cannibal corpse grubunun millenyumda cd ve dvd formatinda bizlere armagan ettigi konser performansi albumudur.
parcalar ise,

staring through the eyes of the dead
blowtorch slaughter
stripped raped and strangled
i cum blood
covered with sores
fucked with a knife
unleashing the bloodthirsty
dead human collection
gallery of suicide
meat hook sodomy
perverse suffering
the spine splitter
i will kill you
devoured by vermin
disposal of the body
a skull full of maggots
hammer smashed face

gallery of suicide

1998 ciki$li vasat oldugunu dusundugum cannibal corpse albumudur.
parcalar ise

i will kill you
disposal of the body
sentenced to burn
blood drenched execution
gallery of suicide
dismembered and molested
from skin to liquid
unite the dead
stabbed in the throat
chambers of blood
every bone broken
centuries of torment
crushing the despised


1996 ciki$li cannibal corpse albumudur.
bu albumun bir ozelligi ise chris barnes gruptan ayrildiktan sonra yerine gelen eski monstrosity solisti george corpsegrinder fisher ile hazirlanmi$ ilk cannibal corpse albumu olmasidir.
parcalarin adlari ,

devoured by vermin
mummified in barbed wire
perverse suffering
puncture wound massacre
relentless beating
absolute hatred
eaten from inside
orgasm through torture

the bleeding

1994 ciki$li cannibal corpse albumudur.
albumdeki $arkilar,

staring through the eyes of the dead
fucked with a knife
stripped raped and strangled
return to flesh
the pickaxe murders
she was asking for it
the bleeding
force fed broken glass
an experiment in homicide

album ile ayni ismi ta$iyan parcanin sozleri ise

slicing through the flesh
a knife stuck in your neck
stabbing out your eyes
cutting through the spine
blood burning through my veins
we have risen from the grave
live, life
dead for years, now alive
the dead came to life
dead creatures out for blood
after death we will awaken
unhuman beings from beyond
rotting zombies out for blood
bleed, bleed
bleeding through my pores
clotted pus, crusts my skin
my body cold
but i live on
the dead awaken, living rotten
rotten living dead
slicing through the flesh
a knife stuck in your neck
stabbing out your eyes
cutting through the spine
blood burning through my veins
we have risen from the grave
live, life
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