

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 142
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  3. puan 8604


zamaninda jeneriginin muzigi bile kalp atislarimi hizlandiran, korka korka seyrettigim muhtesem fransiz cizgi filmi. hatirladigim nadir sahnelerden birinde clementine’i oldurmeye calisan ve basarisiz olan kotu adamlar bas seytan tarafindan cehenneme atilirlardi. o kucuk yaslarda yanan adamlarin aci icinde haykirmalari kanimi dondururdu. bunca sene sonra hala ayni dehseti hissettigimize gore yayinlanis saatinin ve hedef kitlesinin hic de dogru ayarlanmadigini anliyorum.

at kokusu

at kokusu

son evi gosterin bana istanbul’da
vapur sesinin duyuldugu
ki kapisini calip
soyleyeyim icindekilere
daha cok kedi yavrusu ezilsin diye
eski iskeleleri
sahil yoluyla ayirdiklarini

karsiliginda ben de size
kanaryasi olup
kuafor salonuna donusmeyen
kac mahalle berberinin
kaldigini soylerim
ya da kac fotr sapkanin
tutsak oldugunu
kohne bir konagin

kac faytoncunun
artik taksicilik yaptigini da bilirim
ama soylemem
onu da siz bulun
dikiz aynasina takili boncuklardaki
at kokusundan

(bkz: sunay akin)


iron maiden grubunun dance of death albumunde yer alan parcasi.

sozleri ise :

i stand alone in this desolate space. in death they are truly alive.
massacred innocence, evil took place. the angels were burning inside.

centuries later i wonder why. what secret that they took to their grave.
still burning heretics under our skies. religion still burning inside.

at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.

as we kill them all so god will know his own. the innocents died for the pope on his throne.
catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. curse of the grail and the blood of the cross.

templar believers with blood on their hands. joined in the chorus to kill on demand.
burned at the stake for their soul’s liberty. to stand with the cathars to die and be free.

the book of old testament crippled and black. satan his weapon is lust.
living this evil damnation of flesh, back to the torture of life.
the perfect would willingly have died at the stake and all of their followers slain.
as for the knowledge of god they had claimed. religion still burning inside.

at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.

as we kill them all so god know his own. the innocents died for the pope on his throne.
catholic greed and its paranoid zeal. curse of the grail and the blood of the cross.

templar believers with blood on their hands. joined in the chorus to kill on command.
burned at the stake for their soul’s liberty. still burning heretics under our skies.

as we kill them all so god will know his own. laugh at the darkness and in god we trust.
the eye of the triangle smiling with sin. no passover feast for the curse of within.

facing the sun as they went to their grave. burn like a dog or you live like a slave.
death is the price for your soul’s liberty. to stand with the cathars and to die and be free.

at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.
at the gates and the walls of montségur. blood on the stones of the citadel.

blind guardian

albumleri ise :

blind guardian - battalions of fear [1988]

01 - majesty
02 - guardian of the blind
03 - trial by the archon
04 - wizard’s crown
05 - run for the night
06 - the martyr
07 - battalions of fear
08 - by the gates of moria
09 - gandalf’s rebirth

blind guardian - follow the blind [1989]

01 - inquisition
02 - banish from sanctuary
03 - damned for all time
04 - follow the blind
05 - hall of the king
06 - fast to madness
07 - beyond the ice
08 - valhalla
09 - don’t break the circle
10 - barbara ann

blind guardian - tales from the twilight world [1991]

01 - traveler in time
02 - welcome to dying
03 - weird dreams
04 - lord of the rings
05 - goodbye my friend
06 - lost in the twilight hall
07 - tommyknockers
08 - altair 4
09 - the last candle
10 - run for the night (live)

blind guardian - somewhere far beyond [1992]

01 - time what is time
02 - journey through the dark
03 - black chamber
04 - theatre of pain
05 - the quest for tanelorn
06 - ashes to ashes
07 - the bard’s song - in the forest
08 - the bard’s song - the hobbit
09 - the piper’s calling
10 - somewhere far beyond
11 - spread your wings
12 - trial by fire
13 - theatre of pain (classical version)

blind guardian - tokyo tales [1993]

01 - inquisition
02 - banish from sanctuary
03 - journey through the dark
04 - traveler in time
05 - the quest for tanelorn
06 - goodbye my friend
07 - time what is time
08 - majesty
09 - valhalla
10 - welcome to dying
11 - lost in the twilight hall
12 - barbara ann

blind guardian - a past and future secret [1995]

01 - a past and future secret
02 - imaginations from the other side
03 - the wizard
04 - a past and future secret (orchestra mix)

blind guardian - imaginations from the other side [1995]

01 - imaginations from the other side
02 - i’m alive
03 - a past and future secret
04 - the script for my requiem
05 - mordred’s song
06 - born in a mourning hall
07 - bright eyes
08 - another holy war
09 - and the story ends

blind guardian - mr. sandman [1996]

01 - mr. sandman
02 - bright eyes (edit version)
03 - hallelujah
04 - imaginations from the other side (demo version)
05 - the script for my requiem (demo version)

blind guardian - the forgotten tales [1996]

01 - mr - sandman
02 - surfin’ usa
03 - bright eyes (acoustic)
04 - lord of the rings (orchestral)
05 - the wizard
06 - spread your wings
07 - mordred’s song (acoustic)
08 - black chamber (orchestral)
09 - the bard’s song (live)
10 - barbara ann / long tall sally
11 - a past and future secret
12 - to france
13 - theatre of pain (orchestral)

blind guardian - mirror mirror [1998]

01 - mirror, mirror
02 - and the story ends (live)
03 - imaginations from the other side (live)
04 - beyond the realms of death

blind guardian - nightfall in middle earth [1998]

01 - war of wrath
02 - into the storm
03 - lammoth
04 - nightfall
05 - the minstrel
06 - the curse of feanor
07 - captured
08 - blood tears
09 - mirror mirror
10 - face the truth
11 - noldor
12 - battle of sudden flame
13 - time stands still
14 - the dark elf
15 - thorn
16 - the eldar
17 - nom the wise
18 - when sorrow sang
19 - out on the water
20 - the steadfast
21 - a dark passage
22 - final chapter

blind guardian - and then there was silence [2001]

01 - and then there was silence
02 - harvest of sorrow

blind guardian - a night at the opera [2002]

01 - precious jerusalem
02 - battlefield
03 - under the ice
04 - sadly sings destiny
05 - the maiden and the minstrel knight
06 - wait for an answer
07 - the soulforged
08 - age of false innocence
09 - punishment divine
10 - and then there was silence

blind guardian - the bard’s song [2003]

01 - the bard’s song (new studio version)
02 - the bard’s song (live in milan)
03 - the bard’s song (live in munich)
04 - the bard’s song (live in madrid)

blind guardian - live [2003]

01 - war of wrath
02 - into the storm
03 - welcome to dying
04 - nightfall
05 - the script for my requiem
06 - harvest of sorrow
07 - the soulforged
08 - valhalla
09 - majesty
10 - mordred’s song
11 - born in a mourning hall
12 - under the ice
13 - bright eyes
14 - punishment divine
15 - the bard’s song
16 - imaginations from the other side
17 - lost in the twilight hall
18 - a past and future secret
19 - time stands still
20 - journey through the dark
21 - lord of the rings
22 - mirror mirror

(bkz: power metal)

urami bushi

kill bill 2 soundtrack’inde yer alan meiko kaji parcasi.

japonca sozleri :

hana yo kirei to, odaterare,
saite mitanara, sugu chirasareru.
baka-na, baka-na,
baka-na on’na no... urami-bushi.

sadame kanashi to, ariramete,
naki-wo misereba, mata nakasareru.
on’na, on’na,
on’na namida no... urami-bushi.

nikui, kuyashii, yurusenai.
kesu ni kesenai, wasure-rarenai.
tsukinu, tsukinu,
tsukinu on’na no... urami-bushi.

yume yo miren to, warawarete,
samete-misemasu, mada same-kirenu.
on’na, on’na,
on’na-gokoro no... urami-bushi.

makka-na bara nya, toge ga aru.
sashitaka-naiga sasazu’nya-okanu.
mo’eru, mo’eru,
mo’eru on’na-no... urami-bushi.

shinde hanami ga, sakuja nashi,
urami hito-suji, ikite-yuku.
on’na, on’na,
on’na inochi no... urami-bushi.

ingilizce meali :

you’re beautiful, you’re the flower, he praises you.
but if you bloom, he will get you scattered.
stupid. so stupid.
i go so stupid singin’ my grudge blues.

you can accept your pitiful fate.
but when you cry, he’ll make you cry more.
women, oh women,
it’s women’s tears that makes my grudge blues.

i hate you. full of regret, never forgiven.
try to erase my memory, but cannot forget you.
it never ends, never,
it never ends, ’cause that’s my grudge blues.

they say it’s a dream, embers of one-sided attachment,
laughing at you.
so you decide to wake up, but fear to be fully awake.
women, oh women,
women’s soul beats on my grudge blues.

crimson roses have its sharp thorns.
don’t wanna hurt you, but have to stab you with my thorn.
burning, it’s burning,
it keeps on burning within my grudge blues.

no flower would bloom on my dead body.
so i will live along hanging on my grudge.
women, oh women,
my woman’s life belongs to my grudge blues.
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