
death in babylon

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gates of babylon

death in babylon
dogu ezgilerizle bezeli rainbow sarkisi.sarkiyi ardarda bes kez dinleyen kisi dunyanin etrafinda kosarak dolasir.yngwie j malmsteen’in coverladigi versiyonda tadindan yenmemektedir.sozleri de soyleydi:

look away from the sea
i can take you anywhere
spend a vision with me
a chase with the wind

move closer to me
i can make you anyone
i think you’re ready to see
the gates to babylon
the power of what has been before
rises to trap you within
a magic carpet ride a genie maybe more
a city of heavenly sin
sleep with the devil and then you must pay
sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away
oh gates of babylon

you can see but you’re blind
someone turned the sun around
but you can see in your mind
the gates of babylon
you’re riding the endless caravan
bonded and sold as a slave
a saber dance removing all the veils
getting as good as you gave
a saber dance removing all the veils
getting as good as you gave
sleep with the devil and then you must pay
sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away

look away from the sea
i can take you anywhere
spend a vision with me
a chase with the wind

move closer to me
i can make you anyone
i think you’re ready to see
the gates of babylon

the power of what has been before
rises to trap you within
a magic carpet ride a genie maybe more
a city of heavenly sin
sleep with the devil and then you must pay
sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away
black gates of babylon

the devil is me
and i’m holding the key
to the gates of sweet hell

iced earth

death in babylon
ayni isimli albumun ilk sarkisi

what do i see
on the icy plains
the desolate one
it’s my terrain
the wind it blows cold
howling my name
i am the king
the king of this waste
can’t you see this barren land
lain to waste
ravaged, scorched, yet frozen
from your neglect

i am the formless one
i came to save
you are the chosen ones
you’ll be my slaves
i stand on the glacier
above it all
watching them crumble
watching them crawl

iced earth has risen
nature will fall
can you feel the madness here
drawing you all too near
earth, fire, water and air
save yourselves from despair

we are together now
crush the cowards, do it now
end the light, end the one
we have come to save
the young ones

so on an on
the story goes
destroying yourselves
the pain it shows

leite ribeiro adriano

death in babylon
fizigi cok saglam dunya capinda brezilya’li forvet.iki defans arasina girip ikisini de yerle bir edebiliyor.bir lig macinda direkten donen topunun hizi 139.8 km. olarak olculmustur.oyle ki bu top orta sahanin onunden sut ceken adriano’nun gerisine dusmustur.


death in babylon
adini bir takimyildizdan alan otomobil markasi.japon firmasidir.her modelinde 4wd dedikleri dort ceker olmasiyla bilinir.oyleki dersimize gelen hocanin birinde subaru justy vardi.bunda ne var derseniz araba 1000 motordu ve arkasinda 4wd yaziyordu.arkadaslarla baya gulmustuk.
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