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  1. toplam entry 60
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  3. puan 7866

paint box

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en guzellerinden bir pink floyd sarkisi. iste sozleri;

last night i had too much to drink
sitting in a club with so many fools
playing to rules
trying to impress but feeling rather empty
i had another drink
drink - a - drink - a - drink - a - drink

what a way to spend that evening
they all turn up with their friends
playing the game
but in the scene i should have been
far away
away - away - away - away - away
getting up, i feel as if i’m remembering this scene before
i open the door to an empty room
then i forget

the telephone rings and someone speaks
she would very much like to go out to a show
so what can i do - i can’t think what to say
she sees through anyway
away - away - away - away - away

out of the front door i go
traffic’s moving rather slow
arriving late, there she waits
looking very angry, as cross as she can be
be - a - be - a - be - a - be - a - be
getting up, i feel as if i’m remembering this scene before
i open the door to an empty room
then i forget

arnold layne

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bir pink floyd sarkisi. "why can’t you see?" kisminda pink floyd’a hayranliginiz bir kat daha artar. sozleri de soyledir;

arnold layne had a strange hobby
collecting clothes
moonshine washing line
they suit him fine

on the wall hung a tall mirror
distorted view, see through baby blue
he dug it
oh, arnold layne
it’s not the same, takes two to know
two to know, two to know
why can’t you see?

arnold layne, arnold layne, arnold layne, arnold layne

now he’s caught - a nasty sort of person.
they gave him time
doors bang - chain gang - he hates it

oh, arnold layne
it’s not the same, takes two to know
two to know, two to know
why can’t you see?

arnold layne, arnold layne, arnold layne, arnold layne
don’t do it again.

see emily play

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pink floyd’u bana sevdiren ilk sarkidir. pek eglencelidir. sozleri mi?

emily tries but misunderstands, ah ooh
she often inclined to borrow somebody’s dreams till tomorrow

there is no other day
let’s try it another way
you’ll lose your mind and play
free games for may
see emily play

soon after dark emily cries, ah ooh
gazing through trees in sorrow hardly a sound till tomorrow

there is no other day
let’s try it another way
you’ll lose your mind and play
free games for may
see emily play

put on a gown that touches the ground, ah ooh
float on a river forever and ever, emily

there is no other day
let’s try it another way
you’ll lose your mind and play
free games for may
see emily play

mr and mrs smith

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beklenti icerisinde olmadan izlenince gayet keyif veren bir film. populer kulturun iki guzel insani bulusuyor bu filmde. bir kiz iseniz brad pitt, bir erkek iseniz angelina jolie filmden sogumamaniz icin etkili bir neden oluyor. ama eger bunlar size hitap etmiyor ise gitmeyin bosuna; cunku filmdeki action bir yere kadar, gerisi "biz boyle guzel insanlariz" temasini vurgulamakla geciyor. ben mi? ben begendim!
(bkz: angelina jolie)

inen yürüyen merdivenden çıkmaya çalışmak

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sembolik olarak "duzene karsi olmak" seklinde ifade edilebilir.
yuruyen merdivenler, hizli yasamanin; sistemin kliselerinin arasinda mekik dokuyan insanin isine gelen sembolik bir unsur olarak dusunuldugunde soz konusu eylem de sembolik bir anlam tasiyabilir. tabii yapan bu kadar idealist mi? onu bilmek zor! ama olsun, aptal biri bile yapsa ise yetismek icin acele eden insanlarin biraz gulumsemesine katkida bulunmasi kotu bir sey degildir.

fatih terim

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t.f.f.’nin basina bela olacagini dusundugum kisi. federasyon artik eskisi gibi rahat olamayacak, keyfi davranamayacak; en kotusu ise istedigi zaman gorevine son veremeyecek bu kisinin! tabii bela kelimesi t.f.f. icin gecerli.


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2005 oss sinavinda zictigini soyleyen konyali yazar. tavsiyem; istedigi yeri tutturamasa da koyvermesin! ahana sozluk! oss de neymis? sik yok, soru yok! 3 aylik yaz tatili var. her baslik altinda nickini gormek istiyorum. insallah buyuyunce yonetmen olacak! di mi tarantino?

career high

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en makbulu kariyerin sonlarinda yapilanidir. bu, sporcunun duzenli calistigini gosterir. eger kariyerin baslarinda yapilmis ise bu sporcunun dogustan gelen yetenegine dalalettir; geri kalan yillar bosa gecmistir.

nba 2005 final serisi

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detroit pistons evinde oynadigi ilk maci farkli kazanarak seriye yeni bir hava getirmistir. bundan sonra evinde oynayacagi iki maci da kazanabilecek gucu oldugu asikardir. seri 3-2 pistons lehine olursa -ki pek muhtemeldir- gecen seneki gibi otoriteleri yaniltacak bir performansla sampiyonlugu gogusleyebilirler. cunku bu adamlar savasmayi seviyorlar. artik o savunmalarinin durduramayacagi takim olmadigini biliyorlar.
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