
223 43 34

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  1. toplam entry 28
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 46046

tanrının cevapları

223 43 34
-bumudur yanı olay

-tanrim eger kader varsa ve yasayacagimiz her sey onceden belliyse benim yasamamin ne anlami var?
- anlami oldugunu kim soyledi? feci kandirmislar seni yavrucugum
-sagol ya!!!!
-ne demek her zaman beklerim...

- neden?
- sıkıntıdan

çıkma teklifi sanılan laflar

223 43 34
- bugunlerde canim cok sikiliyor...
- (ay yazik aciklacak, acilamiyor) aaa, oyle mi?
- booooyle, icim daraliyor..
- (eh zor tabii) dok icini!
- nasil anlatsam bilemiyorum, seninle konusmamin faydali olcagini dusundum
- (iste geliyor...) elimden geldigince yardima hazirim.. (oh yeah!)
- yaa, ben asik oldum!
- (evet!) (gulumeyerek dinliyim)
- bir erkek/kadin olarak ona nasil acilacagim konusunda tavsiyeler verebilecegini dusundum iste..
- aaa cok iyi yapmissin (kim lan o? azina zcim.. hmm, ne yapsak da isi bok etsek.. rimrimrim)
- simdi ben, boooyle.. vikvikvikvik
- (hay ben boyle... of..!) aa, yaa...

gider de gider..

lonely day

223 43 34
hypnotize albümünden şahane bir system of a down şarkısı:

such a lonely day
and it’s mine
the most loneliest day of my life

such a lonely day
should be banned
this day that i can’t stand

the most loneliest day of my life
the most loneliest day of my life

such a lonely day
shouldn’t exist
a day that i’ll never miss
such a lonely day
and it’s mine
the most loneliest day of my life

and if you go, i wanna go with you
and if you die, i wanna die with you

take your hand and walk away

the most loneliest day of my life
the most loneliest day of my life
the most loneliest day of my life

such a lonely day
and it’s mine
a day that i’m glad i survived

come on closer

223 43 34
closer adli filmin tv reklamlarinda yer alan
jem tarafindan seslendirilen sarki. sozleri soyledir:

come on closer

i wanna show you
what i’d like to do
you sit back now
just relax now
i’ll take care of you

hot temptations
sweet sensations
infiltrating through
sweet sensations
hot temptations
coming over you

gonna take it slow babe
do it my way
keep your eyes on me
your reaction
to my action
is what i want to see

rhythmic motion
raw emotion
infiltrating through
sweet sensations
hot temptations
coming over you

and now you’re satisfied
a twinkle in your eye
go to sleep for ten
and anticipating
i will be waiting
for you to wake again

hot temptations
sweet sensations
infiltrating through
sweet sensations
hot temptations
coming over you

(when you wake up we’ll
do it all again)
(when you wake up)
(when you wake up we’ll
do it all again)
(when you wake up)

hour after hour
of sweet pleasure
after this i guarantee
you’ll never wanna leave
shut your eyes and think about
what i’m about to do
sit back relax i’ll take my time
this lovin’s all for you

neden bekliyorsun?

bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?

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