
anarchy in turkey

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anarchy in turkey
almanya orijinli saglam bir power metal grubu,guclu gitarlar ve guclu bir vokal ve kesinlikle saglam melodiler uzerinden insa edilmislerdir.1992 de kurulan grup en son 2006 da rocket ride adli bir album cikarmistir...


anarchy in turkey
bir stratovarius parcasi,sahane bass ve elektro gitar sololariyla meshurdur

i am facing the truth
i got to change the way i live
can´t go on this way
the price is too high to pay
after the rain i feel the sun
see how i run to my destiny
life is a game
i got to learn how to play
i make my own rules
´cause now i am free to choose
courage and faith will show me the way
see how i run to my destiny
like the phoenix i rise
from the ashes of life
i don´t need fortune or fame
just some peace of mind
like the phoenix i fly
leaving the lies behind
future´s golden for me
there is no one who can stop me now
i´m noble and strong
i´m walking down the road that
i choose each day is a gift
and i know that i can’t lose
glorious future is waiting for me
see how i run to my destiny like the phoenix...


anarchy in turkey
folk etkilesimli isvec’li power metal grubu,mitothyn den ayrılan karsten larsson tarafindan 1999 da kurulmus olan bu grup araya karisan death metal rifflerine ragmen cok da super cok da sahane bir sekilde power metal icra etmektedirler.belki power metal in gelecegi olacak derecede yetenekli bir gruptur.2002 de gruptan kopmus olan mathias blad in gruba 2005 te geri donmesinden sonra cikardiklari northwind albumu ile tekrar gonullerde taht kurmuslardir...
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