when broken is easily fixed

2003 yilinda cikan silverstein albumune ismini veren $arkidir.

i can resist
everything except temptation.
my body breaks
i’m intact inside.
my human instinct,
i can love unconditionally.

cross my heart and lie to you
(my conscience plagues at me, fills me with this despair)
failure within me.
promise you and let you down
(emotion conquers my soul, robs me of myself)
brings me to my knees.
follow me,
lead you astray
(nourish myself with fear, give me the pain to fail)
loathe myself to sleep.
your words kill me.

you can breathe without oxygen
and live without sorrow.
how i envy you,
though pity your ghost.
ignorance is bliss
i wish i could never love you.

cross my heart and lie to you
(my conscience plagues at me, fills me with this despair)
failure within me.
promise you and let you down
(emotion conquers my soul, robs me of myself)
brings me to my knees.
follow me,
lead you astray
(nourish myself with fear, give me the pain to fail)
loathe myself to sleep.
your words kill me.

so ironic that a heart made by man,
when broken is easily fixed.
when a human hurt can last a lifetime.

rust or decay.
the fire or the flame.
you and i will lead the path to change.
pave the way.

rust or decay.
the fire or the flame.
you and i will lead the path to change.
pave the way.

rust or decay.
the fire or the flame.
you and i will lead the path to change.
pave the way.
pave the way.
the way.

silversteinin 2003 yilinin 20 mayis gununde, victory records adli $irket ile i$birligiyle cikarttigi albumudur. albumdeki $arkilarin toplam uzunlugu 38dk 38sn dir yani biraz kisa bir albumdur.

$arki listesi;

1. smashed into pieces
2. red light pledge
3. giving up
4. november
5. last days of summer
6. bleeds no more
7. hear me out
8. the weak and the wounded
9. wish i could forget you
10. when broken is easily fixed
11. friends in fall river
12. forever and a day

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