bobby mcferrin in seslendirdigi parca..
don t worry be happy
"ko gotune" felsefesi.
yalnizca islik ve parmak siklatmasiyla soylenen insani neselendiren parca.
en sevdigim sloganlardan biridir.benim sloganim diebilirim
dünyanın en güzel gamsız şarkısıdır.
here`s a little song i wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,
don`t worry, be happy
in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry be happy now
don`t worry be happy
don`t worry be happy
don`t worry be happy
don`t worry be happy
ain`t got no place to lay your head,
somebody came and took your bed,
don`t worry, be happy
the landlord say your rent is late,
he may have to litagate,
don`t worry (small laugh) be happy,
look at me i`m happy,
don`t worry, be happy
i give you my phone number,
when your worried, call me,
i make you happy
don`t worry, be happy
ain`t got no cash, ain`t got no style,
ain`t got no gal to make you smile
but don`t worry, be happy
cos when you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
so don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy now...
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
now there this song i wrote
i hope you you learned it note for note
like good little children
don`t worry, be happy
listen to what i say
in your life expect some trouble
when you worry you make it double
don`t worry, be happy
be happy now
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, don`t worry, don`t do it,
be happy, put a smile on your face,
don`t bring everybody down like this
don`t worry, it will soon pass whatever it is,
don`t worry, be happy,
i`m not worried
here`s a little song i wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,
don`t worry, be happy
in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry be happy now
don`t worry be happy
don`t worry be happy
don`t worry be happy
don`t worry be happy
ain`t got no place to lay your head,
somebody came and took your bed,
don`t worry, be happy
the landlord say your rent is late,
he may have to litagate,
don`t worry (small laugh) be happy,
look at me i`m happy,
don`t worry, be happy
i give you my phone number,
when your worried, call me,
i make you happy
don`t worry, be happy
ain`t got no cash, ain`t got no style,
ain`t got no gal to make you smile
but don`t worry, be happy
cos when you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
so don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy now...
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
now there this song i wrote
i hope you you learned it note for note
like good little children
don`t worry, be happy
listen to what i say
in your life expect some trouble
when you worry you make it double
don`t worry, be happy
be happy now
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, be happy
don`t worry, don`t worry, don`t do it,
be happy, put a smile on your face,
don`t bring everybody down like this
don`t worry, it will soon pass whatever it is,
don`t worry, be happy,
i`m not worried
zamanında ingilizce derslerinde eğitim amaçlı da dinlediğimiz şarkı.
ayrıca klibinde robbin williams oynamış olduğu için ayrı bir güzeldir..
her sabah bi’ adet dinlenilirse gününüz pek bi güzel geçer.
ayrıca klibinde robbin williams oynamış olduğu için ayrı bir güzeldir..
her sabah bi’ adet dinlenilirse gününüz pek bi güzel geçer.
türkçeye üzme sen tatlı canını okşa patlıcanını şeklinde çevrilmesi muhtemel cümle.
(bkz: dont worry be hippie)
on anlama gelmekte olabilecek söz. türkçe konuşun.
(bkz: dont worry be chewy)
(bkz: pollyanna)
müzigi insana bilek kestirir. o derece.
eski sevgilime söylerdim ben bu şarkıyı. adam hep melankolik, hep dertli hep gamlı... aman beter olsun şimdi. ismail yk dan allah belanı versini söylüyorum ona.
dont vori bi hepi de benim için gelsin.
dont vori bi hepi de benim için gelsin.
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
katkıda bulunmak istemez misin?