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  1. toplam entry 1734
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  3. puan 26525


logosundaki r harfinin carpraza giden ayagi artik bu markanin serbest cagrisimdan cikip dogrudan olayin alinti boyutunu gozler onune serer. zira ulker gibi bir firmanin bu alintiyi nasil yaptigi da merak konusudur.


sonunda hapsoldugu ekrandan cikip tolga abisiyle tiyatro oyunu olan cirkin ama sempatik yaratik. atv ye gecip reytingini yukseltti yakinda protez dis te yaptirir kendine diye dusunduren en masum medyatik. ayni zamanda bir donem show tv de gosterilen tutti frutti adli yarisma sunucusuna cok benzer ki sunucunun da adi hugo dur.


you’re the night, lilah. a little girl lost in the woods.
you’re a folk tale, the unexplainable

you’re a bedtime story. the one that keeps the curtains closed.
i hope you’re waiting for me cause i can make it on my own.
i can make it on my own.

it’s too dark to see the landmarks. i don’t want your good luck charms.
i hope you’re waiting for me across your carpet of stars.
you’re the night, lilah. you’re everything that we can’t see.
lilah, you’re the possibility.

you’re the bedtime story. the one that keeps the curtains closed.
and i hope you’re waiting for me cause i can make it on my own.
i can make it on my own.

unknown the unlit world of old. you’re the sounds i never heard before.
off the map where the wild things grow. another world outside my door.
here i stand i’m all alone. drive me down the pitch black road.
lilah you’re my only home and i can’t make it on my own.

you’re a bedtime story. the one that keeps the curtains closed.
and i hope you’re waiting for me cause i can make it on my own.
i can make it on my own.

seklindeki sozleriyle ve mark sandman’in sesiyle birlestiginde cus dedirten super sarki. pencereye yakin yerlerde dinlenilmemesi tavsiye edilen muzikal dumur.


cocuklara zehir olarak verildigine inandigim yapimda ve yayinda emegi gecen herkesin allah belasini versin dedigim cocuk zikkimi. izleyen cocugun sapik manyak escinsel taocu olabilecegi zararli program.
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