

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 1627
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 63554


biraz hüzünbaz biraz ürkütücü bir faithless parçası:

you’ve been out on the tiles,
winning the smiles of men of low persuasion,
but i know you drink yourself crawling in the street until dawn,
girl you look like a bad dream,
you’ve been places i’ve never been.
come home, come home angeline.
come home, come home angeline.
you’ve been places i’ve never been.
you took the small change from the job in the hall,
be back in an hour but you’re not back at all.
the children are crying, the flowers are dying,
there’s no food on the table,
i don’t think i’m able to cope,
you’ve been places i’ve never been.
come home, come home angeline.
come home, come home angeline.
you’ve been places i’ve never been.
cheap perfume and alcohol, dancing on tables,
with kissing for strangers all laughing and howling,
and jokes and tall tales that ain`t funny at all,
bluffers and smugglers, boozers and gamblers,
jump old queens and tarts at the babbled bar.
oh, they’ve been pushing you too far.
come home, come home angeline.
come home, come home angeline.
you’ve been places i’ve never been.
come home, come home angeline.
come home, come home angeline.
you’ve been places i’ve never been

never be the same again

melanie cnin tlcden rahmetli lisa ’’left eye’’ lopez ile düeti:

come on. ooh, yeah.
never be the same again.

i call you up whenever things go wrong.
you’re always there. you are my shoulder to cry on.
i can’t believe it took me quite so long.
to take the forbidden step.
is this something that i might regret?

(come on, come on)
nothing ventured nothing gained.
(you are the one)
a lonely heart that can’t be tamed.
(come on, come on)
i’m hoping that you feel the same.
this is something that i can’t forget.

i thought that we would just be friends.
things will never be the same again.
it’s just the beginning it’s not the end.
things will never be the same again.
it’s not a secret anymore.
now we’ve opened up the door.
starting tonight and from now on.
we’ll never, never be the same again.
never be the same again.

now i know that we were close before.
i’m glad i realised i need you so much more.
and i don’t care what everyone will say.
it’s about you and me.
and we’ll never be the same again.

i thought that we would just be friends (oh yeah).
things will never be the same again. (never be the same again)
it’s just the beginning it’s not the end. (we’ve only just begun)
things will never be the same again.
it’s not a secret anymore.
now we’ve opened up the door. (opened up the door)
starting tonight and from now on.
we’ll never, never be the same again.
never be the same again.

nite and day.
black beach sand to red clay.
the us to uk, nyc to la.
from sidewalks to highways.
see it’ll never be the same again.
what i’m sayin’
my mind frame never changed ’til you came rearranged.

but sometimes it seems completely forbidden.
to discover those feelings that we kept so well hidden.
where there’s no competition.
and you render my condition.
though improbable it’s not impossible.
for a love that could be unstoppable.

but wait.
a fine line’s between fate and destiny.
do you believe in the things that were just meant to be?
when you tell me the stories of your quest for me.
picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly.

and as our energies mix and begin to multiply.
everyday situations, they start to simplify.
so things will never be the same between you and i.
we intertwined our life forces and now we’re unified.

i thought that we would just be friends.
things will never be the same again.
it’s just the beginning it’s not the end.
things will never be the same again.
it’s not a secret anymore.
now we’ve opened up the door.
starting tonight and from now on.
we’ll never, never be the same again.

(come on, come on)
things will never be the same again.
(you are the one)
never be the same again.
it’s not a secret anymore.
we’ll never be the same again.
it’s not a secret anymore.
we’ll never be the same again.
never be the same again.
never be the same again.
never be the same again.
never be the same again.

music matters

güzide bir faithless eseri:

(cass fox)
for all those who stood up and were counted
for all those for whom money was no motive
for all those for whom music was a message
i want to thank you

for making me
a little more sure
a little more wise
and couragious

you told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters
and to chase the dogs back from my door

i won’t stop here
i won’t be still untill the sun sets
on us all..

(maxi jazz)
under the sheets with my radio
turn down low
so nobody know
it’s the late night show
hopin’ to hear hey joe
jimmy was my hero
head blown by type r or was it the true star?
from dali lama to tanamo
curtis mayfield
say kurtis blow
singing into my pillow
and praying i don’t dance
untill my 9 volt battery goes..

(cass fox)
you told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters
and to chase the dogs back from my door

i won’t stop here
i won’t be still untill the sun sets
on us all..

you told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters
and to chase the dogs back from my door

i won’t stop here
i won’t be still untill the sun sets
on us all..

you told me that music matters..
you told me that music matters..
you told me that music matters..
you told me that music matters..


bloc party parçası.

heavy night it was a heavy night
feels like we come back from the dead
heavy night it was a heavy night
i cannot remember what i said to anyone

if we get up now we can catch the afternoon
watch the under 15s playing football in the park
let’s sit in st. leonards in this alcoholic day we’re doing the best with what we’ve got

i love you in the morning ,
when you’re still hung-over
i love you in the morning,
when you’re still strung out,
i love you in the morning,

i would cry all week and so do you
we discern to let us sleep
let all the draughts creep in to reach for this life
there might be white to smatter you in
that have the right answers
that we british forget
about those north eastern gaps

i love you in the morning ,
when you’re still hung-over
i love you in the morning,
when you’re still strung out,
i love you in the morning,

with you i am cut from a pearl in your oyster
head on my chest a silent smile, a private kind of happiness
you see giant proclamations are all very well
but our love is louder than words

she s only happy in the sun

sözlerini de yazalım:

i know you may not want to see me
on your way down from the clouds
would you hear me if i told you
that my heart is with you now
she’s only happy in the sun
she’s only happy in the sun
did you find what you were after?
the pain and the laughter brought you to your knees
but if the sun sets you free, sets you free
you’ll be free indeed, indeed
she’s only happy in the sun
she’s only happy in the sun
every time i hear you laughing, i hear you laughing
it makes me cry
like the story of life, of your life
is hello, goodbye
she’s only happy in the sun
she’s only happy in the sun

nemrut un kızı

pek çok kişi tarafından söylenmiş bir türkü.kazancı bedih ile anlam kazanır.

nemrudun kızı yandırdı bizi
çarptı sillesini felek misali
sil yazımızı kurtar bizi
çarptı sillesini felek misali
mevlam gör bizi

ocağım söndü nasıl belâdır
bırakıp gitti bu ne devrandır
dünya gözümde kerbelâdır
allahtan bulasın

kararsın bahtın yıkılsın tahtın
yalvardım yakardım yol bulamadm
ah kara yazım
evirdim çevirdim yaranamadım
ayandır halım

ocağım söndü nasıl belâdır
bırakıp gitti bu ne devrandır
dünya gözümde kerbelâdır
allahtan bulasın

bir oda yaptırdim

ibrahim tatlıses yorumu pek leziz olan güzide bir türkümüz:

bir oda yaptirdim
bir oda yaptırdım hurma dalından
içini döşedim acem şalından
oda benim değil ahbaplarından
haydi güzelim gel beri
yeşil bursanın dilberi
seni görürler çalarlar
vallahi oluram deli
seni görürler çalarlar
billahi oluram deli

bir oda yaptırdım yüceden yüce
içinde yatmadım üç gün üç gece
çifte kurbanlar kestirdim o gece
haydi güzelim gel beri
yeşil bursanın dilberi
seni görürler çalarlar
vallahi oluram deli
seni görürler çalarlar
billahi oluram deli

ara beni leylayı bul kardaş ara beni ara beni
yar derdinden çöle döştüm
leylayı bul kardaş ara beni arabeni ara beni

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