
king of swords

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  1. toplam entry 194
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 10118


king of swords
dark tranquillity gurubunun 1999 yılında çıkardığı projector adlı albümünün ilk şarkısı.

girişindeki piyano çok güzeldir, dinlenilesidir.

set against
these hardest hours
anger paled, for in this fear
the theft of privacy
we all see it break sometimes
see it tear us apart

that which left behind
screams out loud this night
so much is asked in silence
expect not and you’ll find
a thousand miles from the nearest truth
rotating, entangled
i continue not to heal

another no-night
waits its turn
so i call upon my freecard to postpone

if time was one
with many faces
which one would call to me?
where all our paths in one now end
that with the power to gather the mislead
now will lead them all astray
(now will lead them all astray)
now will lead them all astray
so push it even further
to unsuspecting dark
and build that second layer
for the hours to take fast

a rest from
the giving
like a heart
between beats
greater than the need for community
the need for the right solitude
come to know

that an outrage is inevitable
though many try
escape is unsuccessful
in the midst of a nerve-night
the victim of soulkill
true self is mere torture
death rides these nerves

another no-night
waits its turn
so i call upon my freecard to postpone

hazreti ömer

king of swords
islam dinini kabul etmeden önceki devirde kızını diri diri toprağa gömen şahıs. hatta kızının mezarını kazarken kızı babasının sakalına düşen toprakları temizlemeye çalışmış. sonra gömdükten sonra eli dışarda kalmış, babasının parmağını dakikalarca bırakmamış. canı bedeninden ayrılınca serbest bırakmış.

bu kadar kalpsiz insandan nasıl halife olması demek, (hem hazreti ömer’in kalitesini gösterir zaten) islamiyetin insanın kalbine girdiğinde nasıl gerçek insan yaptığının normal tarihte hep görülmüş kanıtlarından biridir.

the embrace and the eclipse

king of swords
lacrimas profundere’nin 1999 yılında piyasaya çıkan memorandum albümünden bir parça.

fall, and come back to
your only adorned wish
my final soul, for your sun
sometimes we
bask in the
mortality... drown in it
but this could mean the earth to me
and if everything seems like spring
it’s often just a dream of
breathing liquid of all, and just
a piece
enchantment is everything, you thought
but only the time of eternity is
able to heal the bottomless wound

all your radiance

king of swords
lacrimas profundere’nin 1999 yılında piyasaya çıkan memorandum albümünden bir parça.

left, on me
but tears are a part of you
hooked, what is it
all is coming
taste it, to be foolish
on you
embrace the tears
embrace the past
for all what you are dying for
it’s the only thing you can decide
o. you forget the breathes, forget
another skin, it’s the piece of
unknown peaces
somehow helpless, isn’t it
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