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hey god

isyankar bir bon jovi parçasıdır.şöyle ki:
hey god, i’m just a little man got a wife and family
but i almost lost the house, yeah i bought into the dream
we’re barely holding on when i’m in way too deep
we’re two paychecks away from living out on the streets

she’s a workin’ single mom, like a saint she don’t complain
she never says a word, but she thinks that she’s to blame
her son just got convicted, he blew some punk away
she did her best to raise him, but the world got in the way

hey god - tell me what the hell is going on
seems like all the good shit’s gone
it keeps on getting harder hanging on
hey god, there’s nights you know i want to scream
these days you’re even harder to believe
i know how busy you must be, but hey god....
do you ever think about me

born into ghetto in 1991, just a happy child
playing beneath the summer sun
a vacant lots’ his playground, by 12 he’s got a gun
the odds are bet against him, junior don’t make 21

hey god - tell me what the hell is going on
seems like all the good shit’s gone
it keeps on getting harder hanging on
hey god, there’s nights you know i want to scream
these days you’re even harder to believe
i know how busy you must be, but hey god....
do you ever think about me

i’d get down on my knees, i’m going to try this thing your way
seen a dying man too proud to beg spit on his own grave
was he too gone to save?
did you even know his name?
are you the one to blame, i got something to say

hey god - tell me what the hell is going on
seems like all the good shit’s gone
it keeps on getting harder hanging on
hey god, there’s nights you know i want to scream
these days you’re even harder to believe
i know how busy you must be, but hey god....
do you ever think about me

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bir siyasi görüşe sahip olduğunu ve hatta bir siyasi idolü bile olduğunu anlatmak ihtiyacı hisseden genç bünyenin yaptığı eylemdir zannımca.manasızdır,zira che guevera baskılı tişörtler dışında kolyeler yastıklar vb şeyler üretilerek ticari malzeme haline getirilmiştir ve kendisiyle çelişmiştir ideoloji.ayrıca devrimci birilerini örnek almaksa mevzu bahis,atatürk kolyesi taşımayı,ya da vb şeyleri öneririm illa ki ben bas bas bağırırım arkadaşım bunu düşünüyorum diye,çünkü ben eziğim,aslında kendimi ifade edecek halim bile yok da bakma işte aksesuvarlar sağolsun diyorsan.che gueveranın resmi daha mı karizmatiktir?bu mudur yani?


enfes bir dredg şarkısıdır.şöyle ki;
building us up
tearing me down
lifted back up we are climbing
all of this time
drifting right back to the ground

suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

questioning, and saying
our opinions, theyre failing
theyre constantly changing
our ignorance, remaining
were hoping, and waiting
were living, but dying
while tring to find out
my meaning isnt planned out
come to the conclusion
might as well be an illusion
while trying to find out
i did nothing, but shut out
sonunda siz de böğürmek istersiniz lakin sesiniz yetmez,zira boğaza bir düğüm takılmıştır.


tv makinası’nda kibariye artık rock söylesin diye gelen elemanlara kimden söyleyim deyince aldığı patlat nirvanadan cevabına karşın şaşkın bir ifadeyle daha ona çalışmadım kii diyen ve beni yerlere atan,fırlatan, beni o anda bitiren, saflığına,doğallığına inandığım yegane arabesk-fantezici kadın.
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