yaran fıkralar

van ness
the farmer had 3 sons. after each were grown up, he decided to give them 3 ducks to sell. the older one got the duck and went to downtown. he came back and said to father "i ve got 5 dollars for a duck!". the second went and came back to tell his father as he got "i ve 5 dollars for a duck".
the youngest one got the duck and at that time on the road there was a girl. the girl asked "if you wanna have sex with me, you have to give the duck to me".he approved and after having sex, the girl admired and asked him if he sucseeded to do the same, she’d have given the duck back. while they were making it the duck ran away and on the road a car crashed it and it died. the driver said " i will give you 40 dollars for this duck".
the boy went back home and his father asked him what he did; he said:
"i ve got a fuck for a duck, a duck for a fuck and i ve got 40 dollars for a fucked up duck!!"
bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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