wuhan virüsü

her tarafı ayrı dökülen virüs teorisine göre bir virüs hücreyi enfekte edip çoğaldıktan sonra etrafa saçılan yeni virüs sayısına "burst size" deniyor..

govik virüsünde de burst size ile ilgili bir çalışma var. Michael B Eisen tarafından yazılmış. hayatındaki tüm bilimsel faaliyeti imam daşşağı yalayıp televizyonlarda korku pornosu anlatmaktan ibaret olan bilimimsitrak proflarımız kesin okumuşlardır..

gülücük :)

dalga geçiyorum be güzel dostlar, gazete haberinden başka bir şey okumadıklarına adım gibi eminim.

neyse.. acaba bu govik 19 virüsünün "burst size" değeri nedir?

temel olarak yapacağın şey şu; bir doku parçası alacaksın, enfekte edeceksin ve 24 saat sonra kaç tane virüs olduğunu sayacaksın. yapılacak işin özeti bu yani..

govik 19 virüsünün "burst size" değeri nedir?

sorunun cevabını veren iki paragrafı olduğu gibi aşağıya alıyorum ki dolandırıcılığı kendi gözünüzle görün.

"What is the burst size and the replication time of the virus?

Two important characteristics of the viral life cycle are the time it takes them to produce new infectious progeny, and the number of progeny each infected cell produces. The yield of new virions per infected cell is more clearly defined in lytic viruses, such as those infecting bacteria (bacteriophages), as viruses replicate within the cell and subsequently lyse the cell to release a 'burst' of progeny. This measure is usually termed 'burst size'. SARS-CoV-2 does not release its progeny by lysing the cell, but rather by continuous budding (Park et al., 2020b). Even though there is no 'burst', we can still estimate the average number of virions produced by a single infected cell. Measuring the time to complete a replication cycle or the burst size in vivo is very challenging, and thus researchers usually resort to measuring these values in tissue-culture. There are various ways to estimate these quantities, but a common and simple one is using 'one-step' growth dynamics. The key principle of this method is to ensure that only a single replication cycle occurs. This is typically achieved by infecting the cells with a large number of virions, such that every cell gets infected, thus leaving no opportunity for secondary infections.

Assuming entry of the virus to the cells is rapid (we estimate 10 min for SARS-CoV-2), the time it takes to produce progeny can be estimated by quantifying the lag between inoculation and the appearance of new intracellular virions, also known as the 'eclipse period'. This eclipse period does not account for the time it takes to release new virions from the cell. The time from cell entry until the appearance of the first extracellular viruses, known as the 'latent period' (not to be confused with the epidemiological latent period; see glossary in Box 1), estimates the duration of the full replication cycle. The burst size can be estimated by waiting until virion production saturates, and then dividing the total virion yield by the number of cells infected. While both the time to complete a replication cycle and the burst size may vary significantly in an animal host due to factors including the type of cell infected or the action of the immune system, these numbers provide us with an approximate quantitative view of the viral life-cycle at the cellular level."


ben cevap mevap göremedim.. bakteriyofaj'la virüsü aynı türden şeyler sanan bir geyikçinin gevelemelerinden başka hiçbir şey yok. estimeyt göstimeyt..

medikal totaliter rejimin dayanak noktası işte bu kadar bilgiden, bilimden, matematikten uzak bir paçavra..

Michael Eisen demişken

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